Wednesday 22 November 2017

Computers submission and design portfolio

The final submission!

I was the first to present and nearly went into heart failure upon seeing how many people I was presenting to!

You could have knocked me over with a leaf! I did not expect so many compliments!

My speech went fine - except that I completely omitted the proposed use of the first floor and my research and applications of adaptive research! 

I have animation video is too large to include in this blog so I will upload it to youtube today, I have included images of the rendered spaces below


If anyone would like to see the final portfolio, you can contact me via email: and I will send you the pdfs.

Technology submission

This has probably been my favorite submission to work on....I absolutely love technology. There must be something about the transparency of the requirements that makes it so fulfilling. 

Below are a few images, including:
1. Site plan
2. Construction layout
3. Elevations

Theory submission

So, I needed to bring a little sparkle into my theory document and timing wasn't on my side. My aim was to create chapter names using foiling - this costs a little fortune and requires 2 weeks lead time - not happening!

My solution was to have mirror foil vinyl cut and apply them to acetate sheets myself. The cutting and weeding was done by Mark from Compucut - they only took 1 day. And, I did the application overnight....this was quite a relaxing process. I have been feeling slightly sorry for myself as I haven't been able to get to my Christmas decorating, so this was a good substitute....with some jazzy Christmas tunes in the background!

I have included my abstract below so you can get a brief overview of the theory document.

This is the state of my life.

So, I have mentioned previously that I am a 'working' student. I run an interior design practice specializing in retail design, and as of October this year, we extended the business to include a workshop. This means that we can do our own interior fit-outs, the guys at the workshop do steel and woodwork so we can cover just about everything. In saying this, you can well imagine the shitty timing!!!!

At the moment, I have 6 sites running and we have 3 fit-outs happening! Life is a tad daunting! My car is the pit containing the ruins of each day...including 5 empty cups of coffee, 2 mugs and possibly 20 half empty water bottles.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

Sunday 8 October 2017

product design.

So, we have been asked to design and manufacture a product within the interior design of our spaces. 

I have opted to design and manufacture a shelf display unit for the Bridal Fitting Area. This unit will display items specifically selected for the bride, be it: dresses, shoes, jewelry and accessories.

I have followed a formula throughout the interior design process of the study, 2 parts of a whole. This is represented as female and male, ethereal and honest. The designer’s approach is derived from the typeface used in the corporate branding. This allows the designer to introduce the type throughout the interior spaces of The Wedding Collection. 

Using the word ‘style’ the designer has taken the form of the word as inspiration. This is then split into 2 parts:
1. the lettering is cut based on which section will best serve the purpose of being a shelf, while keeping the accents of the lettering
2. an additional piece is added to make the shelf further functional, see the figure below.

These 2 parts capture the essence of ethereal and honest through fixing methods and finishes. The top, ethereal section uses curved lines which expresses a feminine touch. Concealed fixing details which purposefully hides the way the unit is built (illusion), only to reflect the form. And has a reflective high gloss white 2K finish. While, the bottom section honest, uses straight lines which express the sense of predictability. Exposes fixing details portraying communication and the finish is a raw copper hanging rod, honest design at it’s core.

The idea of this unit is to convey a sense of illusion, of subtle communication, where the audience is given a hint of what might be without completing the picture.

Below I have included technical drawings of the style shelf, costing of the manufacture and photos of the manufacture process.

Front elevation (nts)

Plan  (nts)

Section AA (nts)

Fixing detail (nts)

Section BB (nts)

The technical drawings above indicate that the frame of the form is manufactured using 25mm x 25mm mild steel square tubing. This is then cladded using 6mm plywood which had been scored for the board to be more flexible around the curve of the lettering. The board is then glued and left overnight using clamps to manipulate the form. Once the outside has been clad in ply, the unit is sanded and sprayed white 2K. The bottom copper hanging rod is secured using a set of brass straight couples. Circled below in red. And the copper pipe is soldered to the elbows to complete the hanging mechanism.

The shelf unit is then fitted to the wall using 12mm steel RE bars, annotation 7. The bar is then set in position using epoxy.

Credit to Ben Collett and Andries de Ridder from The Works manufactured the unit!

Ideally this would be mounted to the wall using RE bars and epoxy (all concealed) The steel frame used to hold up the top shelf is temporary, only to show how the unit looks as one. Unfortunately we are not allowed to drill into the walls at university. Hence the make shift display. 

This unit will be 'rehomed' (and wall mounted) at Fischer By Design, in their sample library where it will be used to display a variety of samples.

Saturday 16 September 2017

The design part.

So, I have been pretty quiet due to this part of the thesis. This is the final section where I deal with the overall design. 

Sjoe, this is toughest because I have resolved my spacial planning but now the interior look must be resolved and this is an evolving process!

How are a few spaces, which I am still tweaking - my secret is to look at the space every few days and crit it and see what I need to eliminate or add....these spaces below still require editting!!

Dress designer

Fitting Area

Here is the proposed couch, from Marcello of Moooi...

Hair Stylist

Florist consult area

Friday 4 August 2017

The last stretch!

So that was the end of semester one.....pulled an all-nighter and went straight from portfolio to the Homemakers expo. Phew, we had 1 day and night to set up for the show....

4 days of loooots of talking finally led to 3 weeks vacation from NMMU...

And now I'm back for the last half! Only 3 months left and the technology submissions have already started!! Come to think of it, I have a wedding to plan aswell! Eeeeek!